Monday, October 22, 2012

Dying: Last Seconds of Life

By Jimmy Squarejaw

All movies reviewed for SUNDAY SNUFF contain graphic depictions that may include rape, live animals being murdered, and extreme gore.  None of the writers condone such acts we just watch this shit. 

At least one of the titles in the long line of “caught on film” series is recognizable to the everyday gorehound.  Classics like FACES OF DEATH and TRACES OF DEATH to the more obscure POLICE FILES, FACEZ OF DEATH, WORLD OF DEATH, MANY TABOOS OF DEATH, BANNED IN AMERICA, and HEY DUDE have taken up shelf space in the special interest or horror sections in Mom and Pop video stores since the 70’s.  Stories like having to steal them from video stores, finding them in your friend’s Dad’s gun cabinet, to doing bong rips after school watching them have created enough intrigue for the next generation of gorehounds to track down pristine VHS copies themselves off of eBay.  Even though the internet has created a huge platform for insanely horrible video footage to become a common part of the interweb surfing day, in my opinion nothing compares to having that blown out VHS copy still on the shelf or getting the remastered Blu-Ray in the mail.  With that said there are a lot of lame knockoffs, (come to think of it the FACEZ OF DEATH videos were fuckin’ lame) that utilize a combination of previously seen footage, historical film, and crime scene footage that tried to capitalize on the home video market boom.  And DYING: LAST SECONDS OF LIFE, directed by Countess Victoria Bloodhart, falls into that shit hole niche.

I knew I was in for a bore-fest when the movie started by showing a scene from MONDO CANE (review here) but it didn’t have the swingin’ soundtrack.  So I sat through the New Guinea mother holding her baby while eating maggots off of a corpse…..AGAIN…..with my finger poised on the FF button, thinking this might be a lost cause and I was kinda right.  The rest of the movie shows uninteresting footage hosted by a monotone narrator that occasionally has a good quip.  I think the worst scenes shown were from a mass execution of drug addicts in China, which was bad, but not anxiety all night bad.  Other than that DYING: LAST SECONDS OF LIFE was comprised of scenes from Nazi Germany, tribes from New Guinea having funerals, marriages, and trying on seashells to cover their cocks, and other crap that I can’t remember.   

Just take a pass on this one kids.  Although the video cover looks like a badass Emerson, Lake, and Palmer album, it’s not worth the time.  Instead pick up any of the classic titles mentioned above or just hop onto any the local computer systems used in the America today to view all kinds of hell caught on film.          
Blake and Jimmy’s Extreme-O-Gauge!

Realistic Gore: 1 out of 5, the Chinese execution was pretty bad, as in film quality.  Can’t see shit but you get the point.
Rape: 0 out of 0.
Animal Death: 0 out of 0.
Necrophilia: 0 out of 0
Torture: 1 out of 5, a guy gets cut up by razors for a tribal tattoo.  That’s about it y’all.
Overall Movie: 1 out of 5, this sucked but it might be a good gift for an early teen to get some training wheels exposure to death.


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